Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's Time for Facebook App Fall Cleaning

There has been a lot of news about the issue with Facebook applications sharing our data. Although I'm not shocked, it made me wonder how many apps I have. So I looked up how to delete them, how to find them, etc. When I took a look I had over 200 apps connected to my account and about 120 of them, I didn't need anymore and never heard of. Yikes! Time to do what I would like to call a "Fall Cleaning".

If you want to do the same here is how you do it, straight from the Facebook Help Desk.

You can manage your application settings from the Applications You Use page. To get to that page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Privacy Settings page from the "Account" drop-down menu located at the top of any page on Facebook.
  2. Click the "Edit your settings" link under the Applications and Websites section towards the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on the application you'd like to remove. If you don’t see the application listed, you can find it by clicking the Edit Settings button towards the top right-hand side of the page.
  4. You’ll then see an expanded view of your settings for that application. From here, you can click the "Remove application" link. Once you confirm you’d like to remove the application, it will no longer have access to your data and be removed from your profile, bookmarks, and your Applications and Games Dashboards.

From the Applications, Games, and Websites page, you can also:

  • Remove unwanted or spammy applications
  • Turn off all platform applications
  • Control what information is open to your friends through applications and websites they're using
  • Control who can see your recent activity on their Applications and Games Dashboard
  • Edit your instant personalization and public search listing settings
It took a while and it was a pain but I would recommend doing it. I would love to know how many apps you removed.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Is This a Joke? - The New England Dessert Showcase Saga Continues

A new email from Anthem Group regarding my refund. Another step to the process. Clearly no one knows what they are doing....

Hi Alexis,

Thank you for your email and I am sorry you did not enjoy your experience at The New England Dessert Showcase. We have spoken with the management of third party discount websites and the quickest resolution is to email them for a refund. The preferred method of refund was internally via Anthem because we want to ensure that you are refunded and refunded properly. With that said, as you purchased through Living Social, please email help@livingsocial.com and please copy support1@anthemevents.com. This will provide us with a record of your request. If they do not refund you please contact us and we will help facilitate your refund.

Now, each card is different- some may credit mid-week while others may wait until the next statement. It should be no longer than the next statement. I definitely want to see you refunded and will talk with any credit card company necessary if the refund does not go through for whatever reason.


Anthem Group - name changed to protect the slightly not really innocent

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Apology from The Anthem Group

Below is an email from Anthem Group apologizing for their mistakes. It takes major pumpkins to do this and I greatly appreciate them for doing it.


Please excuse the mass e-mail. This was the easiest way to connect
with everyone that has e-mailed, filled out a contact form, etc. We
were not open on Sunday because of post event wrap-up and have been
sorting through the e-mails, calls and ticket lists in order to get
back to everyone in the most efficient manner. You will receive an
individualized e-mail response over the course of the week regarding
your specific comment/request.

We do sincerely apologize for those that were unable to gain admission
to The New England Dessert Showcase or for any ill experience you had.
There was an unexpected and unprecedented amount of walk-ups
attempting to purchase tickets the day of the event. Although no
walk-ins were given admission, this did further clog the lines. The
hotel security staff also falsely informed many patrons that the event
was closed when in fact we were still allowing patrons in as there
were still several exhibitors sampling. There was enough to last to
the end of the day. Nevertheless, The Anthem Group accepts full
responsibility and wants to rectify the situation.

If you requested a refund and purchased through Anthem we will be able
to connect with you within the next day or so in order to authorize
this. If you requested a refund and purchased through a third party
site (Living Social, Groupon, CoupMe) we are simply waiting on these
sites to let us know if we should refer any refund requests directly
to the site itself, or if Anthem will be able to send a check for the
refund. Anthem prefers to handle the refunds internally as that would
be most efficient and ensure that no one falls through the cracks.
However, we do need to collaborate with these third-party sites before
action is taken on our end. Ideally, this should all be settled
today/tomorrow and we will then instruct you on who to contact at the
appropriate site, or get the necessary information from you in order
to process the request ourselves.

We assure you that all e-mails, calls, contact forms will be returned
this week. The process of verifying admission to the event, proof of
purchase and most notably waiting on the third party websites is time
consuming but we will rectify the situation as quickly as possible. As
a company that has been in business for ten years and has managed
events that (literally) have half a million more patrons, our entire
team understands the importance of the event experience. It is because
of that sincere interest in every individuals' experience and
expectations that we not only will move promptly but also personalize
each response as soon as we collect all necessary information.


Erica Johnson
The Anthem Group
The New England Dessert Showcase

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New England Dessert Showcase Fail


2 months ago I saw on Living Social a deal for half off the New England Dessert Showcase on Sept 18th, 2010. I was very excited because my boyfriend's birthday was coming up and I thought it would be an amazing surprise for him. He has a major sweet tooth.
So I purchased 2 VIP tickets which was supposed to include admission to the showcase, 2 VIP gift bags, and admission to a VIP party the night before.

So here's what happened...

Yesterday, Saturday September 18, me and 10 other friends headed down to the showcase that was supposed to start at noon. On our way there (a little after noon) a friend called me and told me that the line was over 400 people deep and they hadn't opened the doors yet. We got there and she texted me to say the line was moving so we rushed upstairs. To our surprise the line was going all the way from the Copley Westin in the Prudential Center. A very very long line. We figured since it was moving we would just go a head and wait in line.

That was not to be. We got in line and a hotel person came up to tell us it would be a 2 hour late the show was OVER SOLD and OVER CAPACITY. It would be a 2 hour wait. A guy walked by at the same time and said don't bother it sucked, too crowded, and is a waste of time. So guess what, my boyfriend who had been excited for 2 months to go to this event, could not go and neither could me or any of my friends. The chances of an over capacity event having any dessert left after a 2 hour wait was definitely slim to nothing.

b. Sell tickets in wave time slots or extend it to 2 days
c. Tell people to purchase tickets there and when the show is sold out it is sold out. So that all of the people who PRE-PURCHASED tickets don't get left with a ticket and NO DESSERT
d. Do not put tickets on LIVING SOCIAL and GROUPON without a cap. YOU WILL SELL OUT AND OVER SELL.
e. You better issue refunds to every single person who was not able to attend this event due to your under planning and over selling.
f. Apologize to the Copley Westin for what you put them through, not a single person going was happy and a fair amount of people were rude to them. I didn't see a single person for you company come out and apologize.

In conclusion, I vow to ensure Anthem Group will be hearing fro me every day until I receive a refund for a very disappointing event. And I will never ever go to a single Anthem Group Event. Ever.

So thanks Anthem for ruining what was supposed to be an amazing birthday for a true sweet tooth.

Monday, August 16, 2010

SXSW Interactive Panels That Intrigue Me

I'm sure you know that SXSW Interactive Panel Picker is now live!
And you have probably seen a lot of tweets, blog posts, and emails going out saying vote for their topic. I'm guilty of it too! Now it's time for me to talk about the panels I'm interested in.

Here is what I have voted on so far:

Since there are over 2,300 panels it's very hard to filter through them all. I'm open to more suggestions on panels to consider voting for. Post them in the comment section below.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do you blog?

This morning I was listening to @jaffejuice and @mitchjoel on the Jaffe Juice Podcast talking about whether or not it's too late to stake your claim in the social world. When they started talking about blogging and why they blog I thought it would be interesting to find out why other people blog. So today I didn't a little experiment. On twitter I asked: Why do you blog?

I left this an open question, not asked of anyone in particular, and pretty general to see what answer I would get.

Well, here is what I got.
  • matt_gavenda: @akarlin I guess the question for me is, why don't I blog enough...but that's me. Why do you?
  • JPeters1221: I have a wide range of opinions, and a big mouth. RT @akarlin: Why do you blog?
  • pizzaNH: .@akarlin We blog because we love pizza and discovering new places, so why not be productive and write about it? :)
Not only are these are great and interesting answers. It makes me question why I blog. Unfortunately I don't blog enough but I do it when something moves me. Truthfully I'm a horrible writer so I try to write as little as possible. If I go on for pages, you really know it moved me. So that is why I blog.

So tell me, why do you blog?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What I miss About the Old Facebook

Recently I've seen many blog posts, news articles, and videos about Facebook enraging people with their recent privacy changes. This is situation is a catch 22 because this free networking tool has to somehow make money. Their solution is to offer marketers profile information of a Facebook user to help with their future marketing plans. Although this was a very round about way of explaining the situation, the main thing to gain from this issue is as a Facebook user your privacy you worked to hard to keep within your network is obsolete.

Because of this recent issue, I've decided to look back and list the things I miss that have since been changed about Facebook.

What I miss About the Old Facebook:
  • When I originally registered for an account with my college address the only people who could see my updates, wall, profile, and posts were my college friends.
  • When I decided to extend my network those people that I friend-ed were able to see what I was doing, post on my wall, and share photos with me.
  • The ability to drag and drop things in my profile, customize it any way that I wanted, and not have everything tabulated. Applications are now lost on me.
  • The assurance that posting a photo album on my profile was only seen by my friends, I didn't have to go through the settings feature of the album so just my friends could see the album.
  • The opportunity to chat with a friend and not have to worry whether or not someone else could read everything I privately chatted about.
  • The option to go onto someone's profile and see what they were up to and not be told 24/7 what that person is up to in a stream that sometimes doesn't make sense who I'm friends with or not.
  • The lack of creepy ads. I'm sorry but I'm sick of you knowing everything about me and suggesting that I should take a Yoga class with people I don't know.
  • And last but not least, my personal freedom to do what I want on Facebook without getting a recommendation or suggestion. If I want to talk to someone I will, I don't need a suggestion of who I should talk to.
To conclude, please give me my information back and my social freedom to connect with who I want and do what I want. I'm happy to pay you $1 so you don't share my information.

Tell me what are some things you miss about the Old Facebook? If they went back to the way they were would you keep your profile?

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Dear FTD,

I greatly appreciate your lack of customer service or support. Please know that you have lost a customer and gained bad word of mouth. Enjoy....


* Please see email below from FTD sent at 5:49pm the Saturday before Mother's day when I ordered the flowers on Wednesday. Also please note that they didn't even bother to call.

PPS. Here are all the other People who are not happy with you today, on Mother's day. http://search.twitter.com/search?q=FTD+mother%27s


to me
show details 5:49 PM (22 hours ago)

Please accept our sincere apologies. Despite our best efforts, due to exceptionally high seasonal demand with
our member florists, we regret we were unable to fill your order as requested.

We very much appreciate your business and would like to offer you $10 dollars off your existing order to be delivered on or before Monday, May 10th.

We truly understand how important each order is to our customers, and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please reply to let us know if you would like to cancel your order, or have it delivered on or before Monday, May 10th.

Aimee Baldassaro
VP Customer Care

Email us via this link:

Call us:
1-800-SEND-FTD (1-800-736-3383)
(Toll-free in the U.S. and Canada)

(Outside the U.S. and Canada)

Shop with us:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Podcasts I Enjoy

Since my Blog is about Random stuff I thought today I would like to write about what podcasts I enjoy on my way into work and driving home from work.

My 8 Favorite Podcasts:
  1. The 404 on CNET This podcast is witty, funny, and geeky. My 3 favorite things.

  2. Buzz Out Loud on CNET For a more serious look at everything tech in the news. And some laughs...

  3. This Week in Tech They do find some news that everyone is not talking about. And this podcast runs longer.

  4. Gadgettes Podcast Fun, pretty, bad, & cute Gadgets.

  5. This Week in Google Love hearing what is new in Google and what Google has to say about their new products.

  6. PodRunner Intervals Gets your heart rate going for a good work out. And it's Free! Woot!

  7. NPR: Technology Podcast A very concise to the point podcast.

  8. Diggnation Used to be at the top of my list. The problem is they do the podcast too late so the top Digg's are way too old now. Good for laughs.

Don't agree? What are your favorite podcasts? I'm always looking for new ones to enjoy!