Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do you blog?

This morning I was listening to @jaffejuice and @mitchjoel on the Jaffe Juice Podcast talking about whether or not it's too late to stake your claim in the social world. When they started talking about blogging and why they blog I thought it would be interesting to find out why other people blog. So today I didn't a little experiment. On twitter I asked: Why do you blog?

I left this an open question, not asked of anyone in particular, and pretty general to see what answer I would get.

Well, here is what I got.
  • matt_gavenda: @akarlin I guess the question for me is, why don't I blog enough...but that's me. Why do you?
  • JPeters1221: I have a wide range of opinions, and a big mouth. RT @akarlin: Why do you blog?
  • pizzaNH: .@akarlin We blog because we love pizza and discovering new places, so why not be productive and write about it? :)
Not only are these are great and interesting answers. It makes me question why I blog. Unfortunately I don't blog enough but I do it when something moves me. Truthfully I'm a horrible writer so I try to write as little as possible. If I go on for pages, you really know it moved me. So that is why I blog.

So tell me, why do you blog?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What I miss About the Old Facebook

Recently I've seen many blog posts, news articles, and videos about Facebook enraging people with their recent privacy changes. This is situation is a catch 22 because this free networking tool has to somehow make money. Their solution is to offer marketers profile information of a Facebook user to help with their future marketing plans. Although this was a very round about way of explaining the situation, the main thing to gain from this issue is as a Facebook user your privacy you worked to hard to keep within your network is obsolete.

Because of this recent issue, I've decided to look back and list the things I miss that have since been changed about Facebook.

What I miss About the Old Facebook:
  • When I originally registered for an account with my college address the only people who could see my updates, wall, profile, and posts were my college friends.
  • When I decided to extend my network those people that I friend-ed were able to see what I was doing, post on my wall, and share photos with me.
  • The ability to drag and drop things in my profile, customize it any way that I wanted, and not have everything tabulated. Applications are now lost on me.
  • The assurance that posting a photo album on my profile was only seen by my friends, I didn't have to go through the settings feature of the album so just my friends could see the album.
  • The opportunity to chat with a friend and not have to worry whether or not someone else could read everything I privately chatted about.
  • The option to go onto someone's profile and see what they were up to and not be told 24/7 what that person is up to in a stream that sometimes doesn't make sense who I'm friends with or not.
  • The lack of creepy ads. I'm sorry but I'm sick of you knowing everything about me and suggesting that I should take a Yoga class with people I don't know.
  • And last but not least, my personal freedom to do what I want on Facebook without getting a recommendation or suggestion. If I want to talk to someone I will, I don't need a suggestion of who I should talk to.
To conclude, please give me my information back and my social freedom to connect with who I want and do what I want. I'm happy to pay you $1 so you don't share my information.

Tell me what are some things you miss about the Old Facebook? If they went back to the way they were would you keep your profile?

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Dear FTD,

I greatly appreciate your lack of customer service or support. Please know that you have lost a customer and gained bad word of mouth. Enjoy....


* Please see email below from FTD sent at 5:49pm the Saturday before Mother's day when I ordered the flowers on Wednesday. Also please note that they didn't even bother to call.

PPS. Here are all the other People who are not happy with you today, on Mother's day. http://search.twitter.com/search?q=FTD+mother%27s


to me
show details 5:49 PM (22 hours ago)

Please accept our sincere apologies. Despite our best efforts, due to exceptionally high seasonal demand with
our member florists, we regret we were unable to fill your order as requested.

We very much appreciate your business and would like to offer you $10 dollars off your existing order to be delivered on or before Monday, May 10th.

We truly understand how important each order is to our customers, and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please reply to let us know if you would like to cancel your order, or have it delivered on or before Monday, May 10th.

Aimee Baldassaro
VP Customer Care

Email us via this link:

Call us:
1-800-SEND-FTD (1-800-736-3383)
(Toll-free in the U.S. and Canada)

(Outside the U.S. and Canada)

Shop with us: