Friday, February 27, 2009

8 Tips for Attending a Tweetup

After hosting and attending last night's Forrester Winter Tweetup, I have decided to write tips for attending a Tweetup. The reason being someone asked me this question last night, do you have any Tweetup tips? So here we go:

1. Ask for the hash tag for the event before you attend, so you can tweet about it.
2. On your name tag write your First Name, Last Name (Company or Title) and Twitter handle.
3. Bring business cards
4. If you see someone at the Tweetup standing by themselves introduce yourself. Why bother attending if you aren't going to talk to anyone?
5. Blog about it. If you don't have a blog, create one. They are cheap and easy to set up.
6. Take pictures
7. Talk about something else other than Social Media
8. Smile and have fun!

If you have any other tips, suggestions, or ideas for attending Tweetups I would love to hear from you,

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